Category: Uncategorized

  • Reportback from Vancouver Anti-fascists RE: Diagolon Rage Tour 2024

    Reportback from Vancouver Anti-fascists RE: Diagolon Rage Tour 2024

    Reproduced from an anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info On Friday July 19th. Anti-fascists around so called Vancouver mobilized to conduct surveillance of  the extreme fascist group “Diagolon” on their third official ticketed stop on their cross country tour dubbed “Rage Tour 2024” by Diagolon. The event followed ticketed events in Ottawa and Calgary, and unticketed…

  • Berlin, Germany: Attack on Bauer drills and extractivist infrastructures! Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en anti-colonial struggle!

    From, translated by Act For Freedom Now! Around the world, countless indigenous communities are fighting extractivist projects and infrastructures, such as mining projects, hydraulic fracking, deforestation and pipelines. In the territory occupied by the Canadian state, for example, a huge project is currently under construction: the Coastal GasLink Pipeline, designed to transport gas extracted…

  • How to Burn American & Canadian Flags

    How to Burn American & Canadian Flags

    The so-called “United States” and KKKanadian flags represent Indigenous genocide, African slavery, ecocide, & ongoing imperialist aggression throughout the world. When symbols are burned & monuments destroyed, the ideas & institutions that they represent become diminished. Agitative propaganda (agitprop) can inspire & build morale, it can also provoke strong emotional responses from those who maintain…

  • Enclosures of Possibility: The University & the Encampment

    Enclosures of Possibility: The University & the Encampment

    Communique from the People’s University for Gaza at UBC In the early hours of April 29, 2024, students, faculty and community members began their encampment of UBC’s MacInnes field. Inspired by student groups from across North America, we too are calling our institution to divest and cut ties from companies and institutions supporting the genocide…

  • Rail sabotage in ‘BC’ – in solidarity with Palestine and Wet’suwet’en

    Rail sabotage in ‘BC’ – in solidarity with Palestine and Wet’suwet’en

    At the end of October 2023, in the quietest hours of the night, a small group quickly secured a blockade to the CN rail lines in “bc”, near the Hope area. The blockade consisted of a 100-pound iron work table vice – whose jaws were tightened directly to the rail – topped with a several…

  • Post-Mortem: Vastatum and The Invisible Orange tied to 09A and neo-Nazi networks

    “Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair; Hover through the fog and filthy air.” On Friday October 6th 2023, The WISE Hall in East Vancouver was set to host Vastatum, a neo-Nazi affiliated metal band. With concerted efforts from patrons, local metal and punk fans, and Commercial Drive neighbours, the band was dropped. The social…

  • Water Falling On Granite

    Water Falling On Granite

    Water Falling On Granite Foreword to the Second Edition This essay originally appeared in Creeker Vol 4, a zine that primarily focused on the Fairy Creek blockades of 2021. It has undergone substantial revisions and is now being put out as a standalone zine. Readers unfamiliar with the blockades need only understand a few key…

  • Concerned Citizens Publish Year-Long Investigation Into Local “Freedom Movement”

    Concerned Citizens Publish Year-Long Investigation Into Local “Freedom Movement”

    A group of concerned citizens and independent researchers joined forces to report on the rise of hate on Vancouver Island and coastal British Columbia. After a year-long investigation from 2022 to 2023, the group has determined that the self-declared Vancouver Island “Freedom Movement” meets the criteria for a hate movement, as outlined by researchers and…

  • Zine Release: Creeker Volume 4

    Zine Release: Creeker Volume 4

    Creeker Vol 4 has been released! In the summer of 2021 on Vancouver Island, thousands of people moved through a de-facto autonomous zone spanning multiple watersheds. An entire constellation of struggle burned bright, welcoming into its fold a new generation of land defenders. Creeker is a grassroots, anti-authoritarian zine series that aims to bring depth,…

  • On Crow, Fascist Drifts, and People Who Are Not Comrades

    On Crow, Fascist Drifts, and People Who Are Not Comrades

    The below text is reproduced from an Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info. It was originally published on May 12th, 2023 and is available at This article contains research taken from public sources, mostly from articles posted publicly by Crow himself. Our intention is not to dox Crow, but rather to provided a compilation, summary,…

  • Anti Facism Against the Alt-Lite in Vancouver

    Anti Facism Against the Alt-Lite in Vancouver

    On February 21st, approximately a dozen anti-fascists dropped a banner on Vancouver’s Georgia st. Viaduct reading “No War but Class War. Grade A Grifter/Garbage Human. Go Back to Sleep, JP (Jordan Peterson)” in response to a speaking event by Peterson that evening. The banner was visible to downtown traffic via Main Street and was placed…

  • Treasure Hunt for Coastal Gaslink

    Treasure Hunt for Coastal Gaslink

    Over the past few months, several sections of the coastal gaslink pipeline have been vandalized. Financially, the consequences of each act were minor: a few holes in the pipeline here, some corroded welding seams there, damaged concrete here. Our goal was to contribute to the small delays in a project that was already well over…